Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Walk of Poo

Heeding our vet's go-ahead, H. took Emily out to the dog walk in front of our house. Fun for the puppy, running around sniffing at everything, grass! trees! dirt! mud puddles! cigarette butts! trash!

For H. it was crazy land. Leash tangled Emily's feet, H.'s feet, huMONgus dog poo piles everywhere. H. was so worried getting Emily away from (what looked like) pony-shit , that she stepped in a mushy pile herself.

Emily got a half-bath in the kitchen sink, paw +belly +tail + chin wash when she got home, played dash-around for 2 minutes to dry off, then fell asleep.
[호강의 요강에 빠진 강아지]

-- does anyone else use this phrase? It might just be an H. family thing. Fell in the chamber-pot of luxury.

[Hey Daddy, guess where I've been?]

Note: Dear dog owners, please pick up after your pet. It's not hard.