Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Boxing Dog Diet

Maybe we shouldn't let her have all the empty boxes...

Spoiled Maltese forums has all the odds&ends concerns of Maltie folks -- H. picks up a lot that's not in the generic dog books. ex) Emily's on-leash hacking asthma attacks (is it still "reverse sneezing" if she does it while trying to hang herself sideways?)

Anyway, H. got a nice&concerned note about the "Broccoli" post from another member: broccoli is bad for your dog/ be careful!

So, after H.'s initial, "OMG! I poisoned Emily!" reaction, M. toddled off to look it up. If you put your dog on BARF, you might make up her 30% vegetable portion with a lot of broccoli, and that much will become toxic. However, a little piece now and then is quite healthy, and will prevent cancer.

Emily actually prefers a tiny slice of apple.

Other Foods that are BAD for Dogs (from the fridge list):
Chocolate, onions, grapes & raisins, garlic, macadamia nuts, walnuts, cooked bones, alcohol, ibuprofen, citrus, mushrooms, avocado, tomato, green potatoes, and cat food.

And now, for another unicorn topknot.
[Who do I have to bite to get some sleep around here?]