Monday, February 9, 2009

Maltese Halo

Evidently, Maltese dogs have this dark pigment around their eyes, giving them an "intense soulful" look, the Maltese Halo. The Malt sites say it comes in gradually, sometimes not at all.

Her right eye started "going black" at 9 weeks. At first H. thought she might have an eye infection -- it was a tiny speck. Now it's like half-finished eyeliner:[Look carefully. Yes, H. spends hours staring at her tiny dog's face.]

Not yet for her left eye. There's a spot starting at the outside corner:[Looks like pink eye]
Of course, you can't tell when she's sleeping:

[Runny babbit]
In TV watching, H&M, while waiting for (K)Boys over Flowers꽃보다 남자, are also watcing (J)Hana Yori Dango, side by side, to fulfill wacky TV needs. H&M tried it out a year ago, and absolutely hated it (the cowering, the victim mentality, the @%$^!)

But now that we know "what happens," we grit our teeth through eps 1-2, and it started growing on us by 3-4. Yay! It should have tighter storytelling, in any case.

Things we've learned:
1) H. likes stupid boys. Absolute bastards become endearing if they're airheads. (note: 현실무관)
2) M. is a well-trained slasher -- the Domyouji-Rui goodbye scene at the airport was pure gold for Teh GAY.

sidenote: for (K)BBF, potter-playboy role 김범, weirdly in real life, has been in yet another car accident. That's the second this month. Despite hasty conclusions, he's not a speed maniac. His agency drives him around, and the manager was nodding off at the wheel.
Spells dire forebodings for his character. Might have to be unexpectedly killed off in storyline.