Friday, February 6, 2009

Mud Garden

As I said yesterday, Emily is getting to be quite a handful:[She's quite tall, too]
[Hi, granma!]
Of course, it was all my fault. We went out for potty, and afterwards, I let her play. Emzee looked for slugs in the garden plot:

And tried finger-painting:

Wish us luck! We're off to Puppy Class, today!
Aw... 김연아 fell during her triple loop in the 4 Continents. Still, she won. Like every other Korean person, H. adores 연아. So smart, so spunky. Though, I quite like Asada, too. Skating, yeah, but she's got really cute paint-smudge eyebrows that I'm trying next.

Finally, H.'s favorite sport (M. laughs and laughs) is getting some face time. After years of staying up till 4am watching Tara Lipinsky or Sarah Hughes or Irina Slutskaya skate on Sky TV (and wishing for years Michelle Kwan would win the Olympics for once), Vancouver 2010 should be a blast.