Thursday, February 26, 2009

Kitchen Bowl Cuts

Ever groaned about the Kitchen Bowl Hair Cuts when you were little?

H.'s mom was quite genius with kiddie hair cuts, and from pictures, we look pretty spiffy for ages 5 and 7. Mushroom hair! B

So having no bad childhood memories, H. gave Emily a home cut.

(before all 4 sets of puppy shots are done, a groomer's might be one of the worst places to take a puppy. Think of all the dogs going in and out. Like a park, with all the dog poo in one stinky sandbox! Then again, will get her used to being handled.)

Now, she doesn't look like a mini-sheep dog, and minus the snout-hair blinkers and fluffy long bangs, Emily's eyes are back!

(as you can see, one eye looks bigger than the other eye, just like H.)

[What's the fuss? I'm always pretty!]
Obviously, H. is not very good at snipping fur off a squirming puppy. And this is with M. holding her st533.
Note) 15 weeks, 1 day, weight: 2.3 kgs