Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Pee and Tears

Emily and H. had quite a stressful morning, all because H. wanted to catch 2-3 hours of sleep. Over 3 hours, 4 "accidents" in the house, before 10 am.

H. smacked herself on the head with a rolled-up newspaper for letting Emily down. H. really needs 4 arms to get things done, though.

So, we're on stricter Crate Training Schedule. Emily does not like it much, as it means being woken up every 2 hours to go out and do her business. And the first time we locked her up, the yowling. Cheese helped her through hard times.

Routine, routine, routine![Dirty but Pretty]

ps. No smell sensors for the Internet! Emily looks so fluffy and cute in the photos. What it doesn't tell you: she's so stinky! That's what you get for walking through the garden gutters 6 times a day. Pee Yew! Bath tonight!