Monday, March 16, 2009

From Beyond the Deep

Something H. has wanted to say for a long time:


ps. Emily after a walk gets grungy snout and belly fur. Half baths in the sink are a must.

Emily notes:
[From a professional dog behaviorist, T. Mosconi from the Peninsula Humane Society]: "Nonetheless, most dogs exhibit at least some of these common adolescent traits: selective hearing; refusal to do previously learned commands; reversion to puppy behaviors such as mouthiness, destructive chewing, jumping and barking; lapses in housebreaking and just about anything else to drive their guardian insane. The good news is that this period in a dog's life doesn't last long; the bad news is that it isn't short enough ... Lenny's adolescence has brought other behavioral changes as well. She now gets very excited when visitors stop by our office. She has started jumping on people and barking when someone arrives.
- Emily had about 9 days of significant leash pulling and ignoring commands. It felt like she had simply forgotten 2 months of training. She has quickly improved and is back to nice walks and obeying commands.