Friday, March 20, 2009

brief change of plans

Contrary to popular opinion, dog pee will not make your flowers grow better. Despite this, the heirloom daffodils survived 3 months of Emily stomping through her primo potty ground.
[Brave New Flowers]

[Shaggy Puppy Eats Flowers]

We'll have to brave the scissors and trim her face again. People in our neighborhood stop and call her "that cute white puppy," and she totally doesn't deserve beauty titles with such a lazy Mommy.
Looks like H&M won't be ordering a 회 platter on Saturday -- the new Korean restaurant says they're only doing dinners now.

Though, I wonder why there are TWO Korean restaurants in an out of the way dorpje like Nieuwe Vennep and not in an international student town like Leiden.