Friday, April 3, 2009


Some things to remember... by M.

From Good Owners, Great Dogs by B. Kilcommons, on raising puppies:

"He comes happily, sits sometimes and downs with guidance. It sounds like you're doing well."

"No pup is going to behave with the consistency or focus of an adult dog."

[Spying on the neighborhood kids]

Other things to remember... by H.

Dorko (aka Emily the Puppy) is still a girl, has always been a girl. Yup, April Fool's.

She also jumped on the sofa (common misdemeanor when we're out) and peed on it, late last night after H. had gone to bed and M. was still on his way home from a Ph.D. defense in Twente.

M. just goes, "Hehehe, she's just a puppy. I've been expecting this to happen," soaks the sofa cover in the tub without fuss, cleans up, takes Dorko/Emily out for a proper potty, and goes to bed. Case in point that H. is married to the nicest guy ever.

[Spying on the neighborhood kids, now with lamb chewie snacks]

Emily now has a covered bicycle basket, for trips to the park. Pedal faster, Mommy Chariot!