Sunday, December 7, 2008

Love and Hives

Second trip to the animal shelter, to see if my dog (hee hee) remembered me, and to check whether M. was allergic to him.

Unfortunately, before we could even ask to take him out, the volunteer worker for the day said, "NO, we can only send him to a home with another dog. We have other dogs you can adopt?"


The answer seems to change with which time of day and which volunteer worker we talk to. The other one on Monday really wanted to send him with us, despite that "tag" on his file.

So, we hung around, chatting with her about other options, waiting for the dogs to come back from their walk. It is a pretty nice shelter, no-kill, permanent boarding for these guys. If he had to be left for a long time without his own home, then, this would be the place (I tell myself firmly.)

But worst case scenario. M., from the fur and smell and dander of EVERY ANIMAL that went through that small, unventilated office, got a furiously quick allergic reaction--hives, itchy eyes, blasting headache. Poor sweetie tried not to tell me for a while, but couldn't hold out longer, and so we stayed outside.

It didn't go away. Poor M was suffering so bad. :-( We said we'll be back again, and had to leave.
On the road home, we ran into "Inu" and his chums, on a walk.

OH. OH. He recognized me! And not as the scary person who dropped his leash. Or maybe yeah, that one. But he started pulling and tugging towards me, and kept turning to look back as the volunteer walker led him off. Oh... We had to say goodbye on the road, but oh, things were looking up.

The funniest part of the day, though, was how the friendly cat from Monday, DISSED US. Got up and turned his back on us, right in the office. So Cat-ty. :-D