Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Closed Basket Mystery Part 1

Sunday evening, we decided cooking was out of the question, so out for Mexican it was. Emily was to stay home with food, water, her nummy calf rolly, and lots and lots of toys. She makes a fuss following us out, but usually we find her snoozing on her red cushion with Bunny.

That night, we came home to this:

[What are you staring at? Get me out!]

We'd left a pretty happy puppy only 2 hours before.

[Your sock, Mommy? MY sock!]

And to give you an idea (apologies for the back light; daytime re-enactment's a girly dog), this is the situation: timeout box, basket (with hood), my straw hat. Basically, the whole setup is about 2 meters high.

So how did she go from this:
[dum dee dum dee dum...]

to this:

Have a good guess, Sherlock. Mommy figured it out in a minute (after she was done laughing her butt off). That's why she's the Big Boss Lady.