Sunday, April 25, 2010

Emily's New Toy

Where did that quack come from?

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Super Puppy Super Busy

Bunny's family in Maryland sent her a fluffy blue blankie. Now, Emily can be a superhero FRAPer, right out of the bath.
[Hi Gramma!]

Emily still has time to do evil, like grab the bag of cotton wipes that Mommy uses to remove her heavy duty sunscreen, tear up the bag, and nest on the rest.
[All your wipes are belongs to me]

Monday, April 19, 2010

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

[Yay! Kiss kiss kiss]

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Bundle Bunny

H&M are a bit rushed (and Emily is sitting on Mommy's lap with wet feet, leaving a damp spot on her work pants), so only a little bit of Bunny goodness for today:

[MY blankie]

Lately, Daddy's been the primary care-giver. He's been updating the blog too (as you might have noticed from the decrease in ridiculousness)
[Hello! Real puppy over here!]

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Come, Sit, and Down

After months of dog class, Emily follows the basic commands enthusiastically: Come, Sit, and Down

Friday, April 2, 2010

Yay! Daddy's coming home!

[Ol' Underbite Em Strikes Again]

Emily's taken to throwing up hairnets (not dense enough to be hairballs), which is getting mildly worrisome. Mommy thinks you shouldn't lick the floor, Bunny.

In happy news, YAY! Daddy's coming home tomorrow!